Legislation Request: Daylight ALL crosswalks/pedestrian ramps in NYC
Require DOT to restrict parking within 25ft of all crosswalks and pedestrian ramps
There was a 7yr old who was killed at a crosswalk in Queens; The crosswalk was not properly repainted because of a car parked in it, and cars park (legally) in a way that obstructs visibility of pedestrians. This issue is not unique to this location, but is a citywide issue.
Removing car parking adjacent crosswalks and pedestrian ramps (so called “universal daylighting”) increases visibility and decreases the likelihood of a crash.
I’d like request the introduction of legislation (proposed text below) that mirrors the statewide daylighting of ALL intersections by banning parking within 25ft of a crosswalk or pedestrian ramp.
Proposed New NYC Admin Code §19-176
A person may not stand or park a vehicle within twenty five feet of a cross walk or pedestrian ramp unless otherwise indicated by posted signs, markings or other traffic control devices.
Currently statewide in NY the law is no standing within 20ft of a crosswalk (VTL 1202 (2)(b)), but §1642 makes NY local laws on parking/standing/stopping (NYC Traffic Rules §4-08 in totality) preempt this. Unfortunately NYC rules on no-stopping/no-standing place no restriction on parking adjacent to crosswalks or pedestrian ramps, while they do restrict stopping IN a crosswalk.
Because DOT has not restricted this dangerous condition we need new legislation to be introduced by NYC Council to create a restriction on parking adjacent crosswalks or pedestrian ramps that mirrors statewide legislation
NYC has 39,000 intersections - any approach to incrementally physically re-design intersections is complimentary to a parking regulation change which could apply immediately to all intersections citywide.
NY VTL §1202.2(b) (excluding NYC - see §1642)
2. No standing
b. Within twenty feet of a cross walk at an intersection, unless a
different distance is indicated by official signs, markings or parking
Current Relevant NYC Traffic Rules §4-08:
§4-08 (e) General no stopping zones (i.e. hydrants, crosswalks)
§4-08 (f) - general no standing zones
§4-08 (f)(7) Pedestrian ramps.